
that last 29

While this month's theme is 30, by no means is everything we'll talk about here related to that theme. We plan to show some updates of the house, some ideas we want to make manifest, etc. The 30 thing adds a challenge and a little flavor!

In the meantime...

We're eagerly awaiting the arrival of our handful of guest posts. Of those we've seen, we're honored by and enthralled with them. They each reveal a bit of their authors as we have found said authors to be encouraging to our own home and marriage endeavors. The first of our guest posts will be March 3rd!

Here's a quick list of the things I thought I would accomplish or experience prior to turning 30. I'll keep it short and not too self-revelatory...We know those can be a bit much.

In no particular order:
graduate from grad school
co-create and meet new life (Hawk thinks this phrasing is "silly")
speak at a national convention
get married
move to Denver
sing at a bar with a real band
travel to Europe
win the Pulitzer for the fiction novel
travel to Africa
become a MLB player and win a Gold Glove
live somewhere crazy
become a brain surgeon with my sister
open up a restaurant with my sister
vacation in Italy
become established in my career
be really good at my job, but strive for better
become an editor at a publishing company
marry, or at least date, Chris Thile

Okay, if you read that list, you know that some of those are Hawk's. I've managed to check a few off: marriage, grad school, Europe (3 times), the band (sort of...does winterXcursion count?), and I spend a summer living in a single-room cabin in Alaska. In the wilderness. With Ruthy and two guns. Because there were two bears.

I remember whenever my mom or her friends would celebrate a birthday, they would tell us it was their 29th. I finally got the joke as time went by, but I learned something else from my mother. I learned to live each year better than the previous year. And with rare exception, I can honestly say that this year was better than last. Each year.

We hope you enjoy this month!


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