
home retreat

As part of my contract, I am given 5 retreat days per year. With a baby, it just isn't possible for me to get away for overnights anywhere, let alone 4 of them, before I lose them in July.

Thankfully, my boss is allowing an experiment. A home retreat. I have chosen a guide: Introduction to the Devout Life by Francis de Sales, and I should be able to skype with a spiritual direction at least once.

Here's the idea: when Ace is awake, I'm full-time mom. When Ace is asleep, I read and pray exclusively. I keep silence. Since Hawk comes home in the evening, it is difficult to keep silence (not talk to anyone or even pray aloud) with a husband in the house, so I get to be creative in the evenings and spend a little time with him.  I am staying away from iphone, blogs, email, and all things communicable as well as creative from the time Ace and I wake until he is asleep at bedtime. And when I finally do take up the computer once again, it will be only with a creative or mothering focus--no emails, shows, facebook checks, blog checks, etc.


I can't wait to tell you how it goes! I'll also be dedicating all my non-retreat time to Ace's schedule and sleep. And I have posts scheduled auto-style through the week, so you shouldn't be bored (are you ever? I should probably ask this once in a while).



1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea. I hope your week of prayer and contemplation goes great! xo


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