
have a lovely weekend (& cookies)

I made two Christmas cookie doughs last night in preparation for two little get-togethers this weekend celebrating Ace's 2nd birthday. And though I like how festive the cookies look in the picture above, I find I just want to make the same cookies I enjoyed growing up. My favorites?

Chocolate Crinkles and Gingersnaps.

I'm using this and that recipe.

Oh, and in keeping with the whole theme of this blog, the series Making it Home, and all I've learned from Karen Le Billon, this is actually the first time I'm making these cookies. Yup. I'm 32 and this is the first attempt, just in time to serve at a party. Ha!

Have a lovely weekend friends.


p.s. Yesterday was St. Nick's Day. I grew up thinking it was the 7th because he "always comes to our house the next day," meaning no one remembered until we reported that he came to our classmates' homes the previous night. I'm so pleased that I pulled it off for the little guy! The big guy was disappointed that he didn't get anything:) I'll have to remember that for next year.

1 comment:

  1. St Nicholas Day is so fun!
    I am sure you have heard and read, but please pray for the Gundrums! They used to go to our parish and their 8th is in critical condition:
    dominicpio.com. Spread the word and prayers!


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