
the one that got away

Yesterday we began sorting through our wedding photos, and we received an email from our photographers regarding an image they've used in their Fine Art collection. This means it has been on public display in a few places, and on temporary display at Broadway Paper Co. We received the image in our digital collection, but it was in black and white. FR was kind enough to send along the colored version. Hawk isn't crazy about it (he says nothing's really happening), but I think it's fun. Our photographer, Calfa, caught me in the middle of a yawn.
I love how Hawk's tie stands out, that you can see the full dress, the color of the chairs, and how young and handsome the groom is at this moment. It's a little embarrassing that with Hawk sitting and me standing I'm still only a head above him. Ugh.

[post-Post addition]: The photographer is Calfa of FrontRoomPhotography.

Happy Thursday!

Tomorrow, etsy friday!


1 comment:

  1. I think it's neat! I love how it captures the moment, and you 2 are stunning! When I got married, all pictures were posed and boring.


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