
November's Giveaway winner

Egads, it's December 11th and I'm just posting the winner. All I can say is where is all my time? I want it back.
As goes our monthly giveaway, I hit days 1-30 through random.org generator, and then I let it pick the winner of the day's 2 comments. Though let's be honest, how would I have gone with anonymous?
So congrats to Jen, commenter on November 2nd! I'm forwarding your info to Luvalexa and you should receive the calendar in no time.

THANK YOU Luvalexa for the calendar!  I'm hoping to snag one myself one of these days.

We have a special, shorter giveaway scheduled next week

1 comment:

  1. I won? It's me? And it was kind of a lame comment that I won with, ha ha ha!!! I never win anything. This is kinda exciting!


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