One of my all-time favorites is Young House Love. It's the blog of a young married couple as they transform their house one room at a time. All DIY. And for the past 6 months, as Hawk sends me links to mandolins, I send him links to YHL and theletteredcottage.
Well, last night as we were painting the blue room from 9:30-11pm, we discussed whether or not the deep blue hue was gender neutral for future offspring. And Hawk mentioned that "YHL is making their room girly because they're having a girl." See posted swatches below:
Then, we got in a debate about who reads YHL more thoroughly (he thinks they're going to name their daughter Claire--I find no evidence of this).
What all this comes down to is that we feel a sense of kinship to this couple from Virginia. We're in similar life stages, and all of John's get-down-and-get-dirty-myself projects give Hawk the confidence that we, too, can accomplish a bathroom renovation ourselves (and a new bench, and parts of the basement...)
And Sherry goes above and beyond in her communication--she always responds to my emailed questions anywhere from 3-12 hours after I've hit "send," and this with multiple magazines, shows, and bloggers after them.
So here's where we're going with all this: Hawk is going to let me take more photos of his face as we tackle our housework, and we're going to start planning out the next few years of DIY work we want to accomplish. All because some cute couple in Virginia can do it--happily.
Oh, and this picture gave me a great deal of hope:
Why? Because it seems that they've entirely renovated their home, and it was nice to see that something hadn't yet been redeemed. Gives the Hawks a little hope that we, too, can work bit-by-bit to transform our home into the "our" part.
We're blushing over here! Thanks so much for the sweet shout out. And good luck with your house! You can totally do it- and you probably won't love every minute of it, but you'll love most of them. Especially that amazing feeling of accomplishment that floods over you at the end. It's kind of addicting actually. Happy home-making...
Sherry (& John)
"we discussed whether or not the deep blue hue was gender neutral for future offspring."
ReplyDeleteSaid in such true Jen Shedd...er, Hawkins, fashion. Don't be afraid to raise a girl in a blue room; gender separation by color is so 1950s anyway. Future offspring... that cracks me up!
I love reading this blog and then looking to see if Hums commented :) FYI, I'm a fan of blue and I'm a girl. Though don't do yellow, I read somewhere it's no good for colic. --Keels